Check Out Our New Focus!
Hello and welcome to our new newsletter.
Some of you may know my newsletter well, and some may have only read a few. Over the last three years, some of you will know that we have been on a journey from inquiry to reflective practice, from the science of learning to the science of conversations.
Over the last six months, we have been relatively quiet on the newsletter front. That is because we have been working extremely hard in the background to create and design new paths as evolve in a new direction.
Growth and Transformation
The work I do supporting schools is changing. Alongside my current research into what parents expect of schools, leadership and outcomes for their children, I have been in the process of evolving my focus. I'm a leadership expert, and I am known for creating leaders who inspire trust that transforms teams.
I'm obsessed with helping leaders learn what it takes to build trust within diverse teams and contexts.
You know how frustrating it is when miscommunication leads to friction in teams. I teach leaders what it takes to build deep levels of trust to achieve high levels of performance that drive change, and I do that by helping schools build strong cultures of trust across by supporting the culture of coaching in schools.
As a leader, trust is the key to success. The fastest way to build trust is to demonstrate you are interested in and care about empowering and enabling growth in those you lead. Research shows us (1) the quickest way to increase trust is to demonstrate a behaviour of competence. I work with leaders to grow their competence in creating and sustaining trust through cultures of coaching.
Coaching has been identified as the way forward when it comes to leadership, growth and change. There are so many implications of coaching as a powerful human development technology. When coaching is done well, it leads to transformational levels of trust.
A Harvard business review article by Paul Zac, author of Trust factor, outlines his research into cultures of trust.
Compared with employees at companies with a low-trust culture, employees in high-trust cultures have:
76% more engagement
40% less burnout
106% more energy at work
However, when trust is absent or the culture of coaching is lacking, you can pretty much inverse these numbers.
So I would like to introduce you to the new flavour.
Welcome to Neuro-Bites.
Each month I will be sending out an article written to inform and support you to create a culture of coaching in your school via the most up to date research on leadership, neurochemistry and the science of learning together in a fusion that makes a unique lens for leadership.
In addition, each article will come with a 20 - 30 minute bite-sized webinar (which I am calling a web-bite) that will take you through the key points from the article and support you to action each 'Do Now' at the end of each piece.
The 'Do Now" is an actionable experiment you can do to ignite new ways of thinking about and approaching your coaching conversations.
I intend the neuro-bite articles to teach you about the neuroscience of connection, trust, and coaching conversations in a way that will support you to try new ways of leading at work and home with your family.
We will also sometimes share events and resources you can access to support your journey to transformational trust and cultures of coaching in your school.
So settle in and enjoy.
Be courageous and try something new.
You are doing great.
Tab ;-)
Covey. S.M.R (2006) The Speed of Trust; the one thing that changes everything. Free Press. NY.
Zak. P (2021) The Trust Factor; the science of creating high-performance companies. AMACOM. Kindle Edition.