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Walking the tight rope connecting strategy and relationship.
Tabitha Leonard Tabitha Leonard

Walking the tight rope connecting strategy and relationship.

Our recent research found that more than 80% of people report the need to have someone to talk to who will listen, not advise, or solve their problems. Just listen and ask powerful questions.

Use of the skills of Coaching is the fastest way to help another person get out of the weeds and into clear air. To gain clarity to carve a path forward, thus having positive impacts on mental health, wellbeing and overall performance.

The ability to bring coaching skills and strategies to leadership is the number one way to build the relationship and create growth in the people around you who do the Mahi.

So, how do we serve the strategy while leaning into the relational?

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Things that stop us from connecting
Tabitha Leonard Tabitha Leonard

Things that stop us from connecting

Have you ever been stuck ruminating on the same thoughts? Often caused by experiencing something that makes you feel shame, shocked, sad, frustrated, angry, worried, or annoyed? The emotions and corresponding thoughts just won't go away. You feel stuck churning over the same thoughts and emotions that hold your attention and you can't unhook yourself - even when you need to reset and refocus your attention elsewhere?

Your nervous system is telling you something, and you need to create some space in which to listen. The sympathetic nervous system and limbic system are activated, and you're in the action zone. You need to do something about it.

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Check Out Our New Focus!
Tabitha Leonard Tabitha Leonard

Check Out Our New Focus!

Some of you may know my newsletter well, and some may have only read a few. Over the last three years, some of you will know that we have been on a journey from inquiry to reflective practice, from the science of learning to the science of conversations.

Over the last six months, we have been relatively quiet on the newsletter front. That is because we have been working extremely hard in the background to create and design new paths as evolve in a new direction.

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