Your Six Words That Will Lift Your Performance By 30% In 7 Days

Have you ever wanted greater clarity and focus, less stress and increased happiness, and improved decision-making speed and accuracy? How about more time for important things, enhanced interpersonal interactions with fewer misunderstandings, and stronger relationships with more fulfillment at work?

Imagine effectively navigating conflicts to improve relationships, achieving your goals faster, and feeling more motivated and joyful in your work. You might seek greater innovation and creative problem-solving, clarity on your true desires with aligned actions, and purpose-driven daily efforts leading to a fulfilling and motivated life.

Picture having a detailed vision of your future to guide your decisions, personal and professional growth through deliberate skill development, and a balanced life with work, family, and personal interests for harmony.

Finally, consider having a clear understanding of who you are and want to be, building stronger relationships, and communicating your values and expectations clearly to foster trust, mutual respect, and enhanced collaboration, creating a supportive network for achieving your goals.

But often, we feel lost and unsure of our true desires, struggling to align our actions towards meaningful goals. We experience a lack of motivation and fulfillment in our daily lives. Creating a clear vision of our future feels difficult, leading to decisions and actions misaligned with our long-term goals, making it hard to stay focused and avoid distractions.

We experience stagnation in personal and professional growth, unable to identify areas for improvement or take deliberate steps to develop new skills and capabilities, resulting in a lack of progress and adaptability in a rapidly changing world. Balancing different aspects of our lives like work, family, and personal interests feels challenging, leading to poor allocation of time and energy and a lack of harmony and well-being.

We often have a vague understanding of who we are and how we treat others, making it challenging to build strong and meaningful relationships. Miscommunication of our values and expectations results in a lack of trust and mutual respect in both personal and professional interactions, hindering collaboration and creating weak support networks for achieving our goals.

Me too. I struggled for a long time. I dabbled here and there, grabbing at opportunities as they came my way. Because I went all in on the things I did, I was pretty successful. But I was operating on other people’s agendas. I was just grateful that others saw potential in me and made an offer. There was never a clear direction, so my life was like a meandering river, taking the path of least resistance.

Eventually, I desired more—things that aligned with my passion and purpose. But to achieve that, I had to figure out what my passion and purpose were. All I knew was that I wasn't doing it. I wanted more.

So, I went searching. I learned about myself and my values, discovering that making a difference is important to me. I tried many things on my journey to the present, experimenting with different approaches, contexts, and solutions. It was a journey of constant refinement and exploration, which led me to this point where I am doing the true work I was called to do in the world.

The journey was messy, muddy, and certainly not direct or easy. But it all came together after much courage, vulnerability, and perseverance.

Now, I have a roadmap for living into my full potential and supporting others to do the same. It’s called high-performance habits and high-performance coaching. This process unlocks the blocks, creates clarity, and provides the map for the journey to live into your full potential. This has been the most transformative and rapid change for me, and I want that for you.

Self-Reflection Exercise


  • Choose three words that define the best of who you are and will guide your personal life, including your thoughts and actions.

  • The reason you chose these words and why they are important to you.

  • How these words show up in your life.


  • Choose three words that define and guide how you will engage and treat others, including loved ones and strangers.

  • The reason you chose these words and why they are important to you.

  • How these words show up in your interactions.


  • Choose three words that remind you of what has made you most successful and will make you even more successful.

  • The reason you chose these words and why they are important to you.

  • How these words show up in your achievements.

My challenge to you is to give it a try.

Keep your words next to your computer or anywhere you can see them daily.

Fill it out and look at it at regularly.

It will keep you very intentional, and you’ll find that if you strive to live each word fully every day, you’ll be very clear and revitalized.



Forge Your Success with FREE high-performance coaching every fortnight! Until the End Of August.

Join me, your certified high-performance coach, every other Friday at 12:30 p.m., starting June 14th, for Monday Mindset on a Fortnightly Friday.

Together, we'll unpack habits of high performance grounded in extensive research into neuroscience and psychology that will help you live into your full potential.


First Session: The Productivity Planner


  • What: The Productivity Planner— The three areas high performers pay attention to to be more productive every day.

  • Where: On Zoom

  • When: Friday, June 14th @ 12:30 pm

Can’t make it? Don’t worry! Register anyway, and I'll send you the replay.


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