Browse Blog
The 20/80 Rule For Setting Great Goals
Goals Don’t Generate Growth
Redefine Goals. Create Targets and Build Action Plans
I have always struggled with goals. Maybe it’s just me (probably not), or that I have an important memo about goals, but they have always felt lofty and untethered. So, I got curious. The definition of Goal - according to is “A goal is an objective or target that someone is trying to reach or achieve.” - Yip, that’s my experience of a goal, and while useful, it fell apart at the action stage.
However, there is still something missing for me. […]
Phew! - you’ve made it…
As term two draws to a close on another term like no other, I wish you a wonderful restful break.
I invite you to take a moment to take a deep and restorative breath and access all that you have achieved over this last term. It might not be all that you hoped, and if that is the case, then it is even more important to celebrate the small wins you did have.
At the end of each term, I pause and take a moment to reflect on all that I have achieved across the term. I am always surprised about the things I have done that have gone forgotten or even unseen.
Walking the tight rope connecting strategy and relationship.
Our recent research found that more than 80% of people report the need to have someone to talk to who will listen, not advise, or solve their problems. Just listen and ask powerful questions.
Use of the skills of Coaching is the fastest way to help another person get out of the weeds and into clear air. To gain clarity to carve a path forward, thus having positive impacts on mental health, wellbeing and overall performance.
The ability to bring coaching skills and strategies to leadership is the number one way to build the relationship and create growth in the people around you who do the Mahi.
So, how do we serve the strategy while leaning into the relational?