The 90-Day Coach Approach Challenge

To take the 90-Day Coach Approach Challenge?

Enter your details, and you will be guided through the process of taking your conversations to the next level.

Each week for 13 weeks, you will receive tips, techniques and awareness-building exercises to improve how you stay curious a little bit longer.

What is the cost of not staying curious a little bit longer on your team and on your impact?

We spend 80% of our day communicating. 53% of that time is spent speaking. If only we could learn to be curious a little longer, we would stop:

  • Solving the wrong problems.

  • Fighting fires caused by others

  • Having the same conversation again and again.

When asked, 90% of people said they started a conversation just to be heard. Rarely do we converse to seek advice or be told what we should or shouldn't do, yet 90% of people indicate they are advise givers.

The 90-day Coach Approach Challenge is designed to move you from a firefighter to a leader who effectively uses a coach approach to transform their conversations to gain buy-in, optimise ownership and catalyse change - in a simple, practical and sustainable way.

You’ll improve meetings, conversations and your results because you know how and when to bring A Coach Approach.

The 90-Day Challenge will give you the tools and techniques to:

  • Utilise the three key principles of effective and efficient conversations that catalyse growth.

  • Lean in and listen and explore the terrain in a conversation so you can help others solve their own problems.

  • Be comfortable with silence in a conversation to enable the time for questions to arise.

The Coach Approach will help you move from confusion and conflict to thoughtful, insightful and powerful discussions that will transform not just your work, but your whole life.